Support Lucky Lane

As an independent, nonprofit educational establishment, Lucky Lane Early Childhood accepts donations to help us improve the quality of education we provide our students. Tuition covers the daily operations of our school and camp, and we rely on additional donations to improve our facilities and enhance the educational experience for our students.
Throughout the year, we host several fundraising opportunities for families to help us continue to invest in our special school. We also welcome and encourage parents to be active volunteers in our Lucky Lane activities and events.
Ways To Donate
Direct Donations:
We welcome direct donations any time (501(c)3 Tax ID: 43-6004553). You will find Lucky Lane as an eligible nonprofit through donor-advised funds, and we can accept checks or donations through SmartCare. Don't forget that many companies will also match your charitable donations!
Annual Fundraising:
Throughout the year, teachers will send home information with students about various fundraising opportunities, such as spirit wear (order some LECC gear!), pizza fundraisers, book fairs, and raffles.
Ways to Volunteer:
Parents are encouraged to be active in our school and volunteer as Room Parents, Board Members, and Board Committee members. Other ways to get involved with your child’s class are sharing a hobby, profession, family tradition, or special holiday.
Class Wish Lists:
Each class has a wish list for educational toys and supplies. If you would like to purchase something for a class, you can visit our current families page with links to each class wish list using the link below.
Throughout the year, teachers and/or Room Parents will share opportunities for volunteering, such as guest reading on Library days or working the book fair. We welcome additional ideas for getting involved any time!

The Lucky Lane Board of Directors

Lucky Lane's Board of Directors is responsible for governing its business operations including, but not limited to, managing finances, setting tuition, employing a School Director, and general oversight of facilities improvements.
The Board is comprised of the School Director, Parent Members, and Alumni Members. A Board Meeting is held on the second Wednesday of each month and all current parents of Lucky Lane are encouraged to attend!
If you are interested in learning more about the board, please reach out to the School Director (director@luckylane.org) or Board President (Board@LuckyLane.org).
There are many ways to participate in the school outside of the Board, including several informal committees, being a room parent, or helping with any of the several special events held throughout the school year.
Lucky Lane is an incredible preschool because of the support of its teachers, families, and community!