Compassionate Childcare Program in Creve Coeur
Lucky Lane Early Childhood Center is committed to providing the highest-quality early education available in the St. Louis area. We use a unique hands-on approach to foster a sense of self in each student. We have dedicated play areas where children can develop their motor skills and we encourage problem solving through trial and error. Our techniques have been refined over the past 75 years so we're extremely confident in our ability to instill lifelong positive learning habits in our students.
If you have any questions about the way we do things at Lucky Lane, please take a look through our FAQs, and feel free to get in touch with us anytime.
Where is Lucky Lane located?
Frequently Asked Questions
Lucky Lane is located in St. Louis County at 12546 Conway Road in Creve Coeur, MO, 63141. The entrance to the school is off of College Park Drive.
From Highway 40 West(I-64), exit on Ballas Road and proceed north 1 block to Conway Road. Take a left on Conway Road (west) until College Park Drive. Turn left (south) onto College Park Drive. The Lucky Lane mailbox will be visible on your right.
From Highway 40 East (I-64), exit on the Mason Road exit and proceed on South Outer Forty to Mason Road. Take a left on Mason Road and cross over Highway 40 (I-64) to North Outer Forty. Make a right on North Outer Forty and follow to College Park Drive (on the left). Remain on College Park Drive until second stop sign. Turn left onto Lucky Lane’s campus.
How is drop-off and pick-up handled?
Curb drop-off and pick up is provided. All parents are provided laminated signs with student name(s) and room. Please hold up sign during pick up and a teacher will bring your student to your car. Due to legal reasons, teachers can not buckle students. Parents pull forward to buckle students without blocking others.
What times does school start?
School begins at 9:00am. Drop-off is between 8:45am and 9:00am. After 9:00am, parents will need to walk their child into school.

Does Lucky Lane have an early drop off?
Lucky Lane provides early drop-off at 7:00am for an additional charge. The office must be contacted in advance to ensure a space for your child.
Does Lucky Lane have late pick up?
Pickup is available through 6pm, but requires registration beforehand.

How will I know when school is closed due to weather?
In the event of a severe weather closing, announcements will begin at 6:00am and broadcast on Channel 5, KSDK and our social media accounts. We also do our best to send out an email update in a timely manner.
What is the ratio of adults to children?
The teacher-to-child ratio for classes ages 2 to 3 years old is 1:7
The teacher-to-child ratio for classes ages 3 to 5 years old is 1:8
Does my child need to be potty trained to attend Lucky Lane?
Lucky Lane does not require your child to be potty trained in our toddler and preschool programs. If your child wears diapers or pull-ups, we simply ask that you provide them. Our staff is happy to help parents with the potty-training transition. Students are required to be self sufficient in the bathroom before entering Pre-K, but please reach out with any questions.
What are typical meals?
Breakfast is not offered, but hot, catered lunches are brought in daily for our students and include a variety of healthy options. All parents receive a menu at the beginning of each month. You can view our menu items for this month on the Current Families Page.